Sunday, January 1, 2012

Jan 1, Rylee's original due date

Age: 84 Days/12 weeks
Gestational Age: 0 Days

I love staring at Rylee when she sleeps. Her perfectly smooth baby skin is so pretty and her big pouty lips are adorable.

Today was the day she was SUPPOSED to be born. I'm not happy that she came 3 months early, but I am glad I get to spend this extra time with her before she starts talking and telling me not to kiss her in public because it's embarrassing.

As of our Pediatrician visit on Wednesday December 28th, she weighs 6 pounds, 6 ounces!

Christmas weekend was spent at my parent's house. My dad went out and bought two real trees this year after having not put up a tree since I moved out over 3 years ago. Rylee enjoyed eating, sleeping and pooping. I got to SLEEP as much as I wanted to while my mom and sister fought over who got to take care of Rylee and who got to hold her next.

It was nice spending time with them and being able to relax! Here are some pictures from that weekend! :D

In her Christmas Jammies
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care...
From Santa

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