Monday, February 22, 2010

Tantalizing Trivets

I always read DIY blogs and hate how lucky everyone else is to have cool thrift stores and tons of Goodwill stores around them with awesome stuff. I haven't been so lucky in these parts O'Merryland. There are a couple of thrift stores around (Unique Thrift Store and Value Village) but they kinda suck.. and are, I think, a tad pricey.

*let me just say that the link to Value Village does the one by us justice like you would not believe. The one here is gross. I felt like I should have been wearing a mask to shop, and no one speaks English.*

Anywhoozzle. I DID find 2 trivets that I really liked for about $2.50 a pop. Both were silver and kinda dirty and greasy. I soaked them in bleach and gave them a nice good scrub with a Brillo pad. I did not take any before pictures, but here are the afters.

Candy Apple Red and Midnight Black. <3

 I think they look pretty good! All I did was spray paint them (about 3 coats each) of high gloss spray paint and let them dry for 2 days. I was worried about the hot pots and pans melting the spray paint though.. I considered going back to Home Depot and looking for a can of clear high heat spray paint to seal them with... but I put it off too long then just didn't care anymore. If it peels, I'll sand them and re-spray.

Sorry for the ugly pictures. The lighting in this house is in the most inconvenient places, and the flash always gives too much glare.

But alas, we are moving SOON! So I can put my own lighting in and be happy with it.

So here they are! A butterfly and a clock-thing. I think they're pretty cute. I needed some trivets so this was a nice cheap fix.

1 comment:

  1. Farmville has some great thrift stores!! ;)
